Are you ready for the New Norm?
Daily and constant disinfection is the first line of defense.Make sure your staff, customers, family are protected.

air Conditioners & filters certified to eliminate cOVID-19 in closed spaces
PANASONIC has released a revolutionary technology called NanoeX, which is tested and proven to eliminate COVID-19 activity in air conditioned spaces. According to TexCell, a global contract research organization, NanoeX Technology “inhibits 99.99% of adhered COVID-19 activity on gauze in a 45L box in 2 hour”. In 30 mins, Panasonic NanoeX air circulation technology can fill 54 cubic meter room. Please watch the video to know more.
Ceiling Mounted AIR-E NanoeX Generator

Can be installed anywhere in homes or public places.
Portable USB-Powered NanoeX Air Filters

Can be used inside vehicles, or during face-to-face meetings.
Disinfection is the first line of defense. The safest way of protecting against all kinds of COVID Variants

High-Grade Airless Disinfectant Sprayers
The Graco SaniSpray Series from the USA gives the fastest and most secure disinfection application method to date – uniquely made with the highest-grade materials that are compatible with disinfectants, sanitizers and deodorizers.
All sprayers are built for long term use, and meeting the highest health protocol standards. They are designed to deliver consistent edge-to-edge coverage, without heavy drips and runs, so that you can achieve specified disinfectant “dwell times” in just minutes. See three main points below:
Droplets Interact with Micro-Organisms
Droplets have the right size to guarantee they interact long enough with the micro‐organisms we want to eliminate. Additionally, they must be able to evaporate without the need of any hand drying.
Droplets Cover All Surfaces Completely
Droplets are small enough to homogeneously cover the complete surface of the areas we want to disinfect, without producing excess humidity on surfaces and furniture.
Droplets Reach Rough and Hidden Places
Droplets are small enough to access the most inaccessible areas such as internal edges, angles, slits, to guarantee disinfection. Low pressure spray, with large droplets, does not guarantee microorganism are removed from hard to reach areas.
Make sure your family, staff, and customers are safe.
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